Study Group

As a mentor, you can take the initiative to start a study group for mentees to support them, share knowledge and experiences.

It could be extremely helpful for mentees as it provides a supportive and collaborative environment for learning and sharing knowledge. If you are a mentor looking to start one, here are some steps to follow:

  1. Introduction meeting: Set the tone for the group and establish expectations. Begin by introducing everyone and getting to know each other. Discuss the goals and objectives of the study group, and ask each member to share their individual goals and expectations for the study program. Recommended resource: Notion Template
  2. Set a schedule: Determine a regular meeting schedule that works for everyone in the group. You may need to be flexible and find a time that works for everyone. Recommended frequency - approximately 2 hours at least once a month with the mentor responsible for the group.
  3. Choose a communication platform: Decide on a platform for communication and collaboration, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or Skype. Make sure everyone has access to the platform and knows how to use it.
  4. Create an agenda: Create an agenda for each meeting that outlines the topics to be discussed, the objectives of the meeting, and the time allotted for each item.
  5. Assign roles: Assign roles to each member of the group, such as facilitator, note-taker, and timekeeper. This will help keep the meetings organized and on track.
  6. Share resources: Share any relevant resources or materials with the group prior to the meeting. This could include articles, videos, or other educational materials.
  7. Encourage participation: Encourage participation from all members of the group, and make sure everyone has a chance to share their experiences and ask questions.

By following these steps, you can create a productive and supportive study group that enhances the mentorship experience for all involved.